About the Author & the Buddy MX Story
Hi, I'm Kyle Burger
I'm a loving husband, father of four, athlete, and writer. My mission is to inspire children to believe in themselves and build a passion for motocross. I believe that everybody has an untapped potential inside of them and with a little belief/motivation they can achieve whatever they set out to do.
How we started...

Buddy the Motocross Bike - Buddy Learns Confidence was originally created by Kyle Burger in 2010. Kyle raced motocross throughout his youth and was pursuing a career in racing. On October 1st, 2008, fate stepped in and kicked his racing career to the curb.
Kyle suffered a sever neck injury, breaking the C2 vertebrae at the age of 18 at the Dodge Amateur Nationals, in Sacramento CA. While this would halt his career in motocross, it would not and could not stop his love for the sport.
Kyle couldn't race anymore due to nerve damage in his left shoulder and arm, but he still was (and is) very passionate about motocross and wanted to be involved in the sport however possible. Remembering back to his childhood, there were never any motocross books on the shelves for early and younger readers. That's when he decided to write a children's book. A kids book about motocross, to be more precise. His goal is inspire tomorrows youth to grow up loving motocross like he did and hopefully learn to love reading through motocross books.
During the process of writing the first children's motocross book (Buddy Learns About Confidence) he had an illustrator that was doing a great job. Unfortunately, life got in the way for him and he had to back out. So, Kyle was stuck with half of a book illustrated. That would not have made a very good motocross book...
As fate would have it, an old friend of his from school (Stephen Palmer) was finishing school to become an illustrator and they got back in touch. The rest is history. Stephen started from scratch illustrating the book and did a fantastic job creating many professional illustrations.
Where we are...
So far, Kyle & Stephen have published three series books, a coloring book and an early reader book together; The Adventures of Buddy the Motocross Bike series books include: "Buddy Learns About Confidence", "Buddy Learns About Teamwork", and "Buddy Learns About Patience" respectively. The early reader book is titled "Don't Twist the Throttle!"
Where we're going...
Kyle is in the process of writing many more editions to accompany the Buddy MX series as well as standalone early reader books and early childhood education books. As long as you're willing to race around the track along side Buddy in his exciting adventures, Kyle will continue to write them.
Author Note:
The Adventures of Buddy the Motocross Bike is a great kids motocross book (and adult motocross book for that matter)! I hope that you enjoy the book(s) and I would love to hear what you think when you're done!